Quick Wire Gift Ideas



  • Quick Wire Gift Ideas - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Need some last-minute gift ideas that take very little time and money? In this week's Better Beaders episode, Allie and Melissa show us how to make some quick wire gifts that are great for any of your gift recipients!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Ornament Making:
Choose a simple shape (e.g., tree, angel) and create a form using 18 gauge wire. Use a pen, marker, or cookie cutter as a guide to shape the wire. Wrap 24 gauge wire around the form to add stability and to attach beads for decoration. Ornament Hanger:
Cut a 5-6 inch piece of 18 gauge wire. Form a loop at one end to hang the ornament. Decorate by sliding beads onto the wire and secure them by wrapping with 24 gauge wire. Create a hook at the other end to attach to the Christmas tree. Wire Bookmarks:
Draw a template of your desired bookmark shape. Bend 18 gauge wire to match the template. Decorate with beads, using 24 gauge wire to secure them in place.

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