Asteroid Necklace Tutorial



  • Asteroid Necklace - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Become another charm in our solar system with the Asteroid Necklace! It shows off your hand at a simple right angle weave technique using RounTrio® Beads, Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0, Toho Seed Beads 15/0, Potomac Crystal Rondelles, and a stunning Potomax Push Clasp to display a Rivoli. Easily adaptable, this beaded necklace glowing around your neck can be turned into a bracelet or even a pair of earrings!

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Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare your materials and thread your needle with a comfortable length of beading thread, attaching a stop bead.
Start with the right angle weave (RAW) using RounTrio® Beads, alternating with Miyuki 11/0 and Toho 15/0 seed beads as specified in the pattern.
Add the first side of the clasp after completing the base length of the necklace.
Embellish the RounTrio® Beads with Potomac Crystal Rondelles, adding sparkle and dimension.
Continue building the necklace by alternating between adding rows of RAW and embellishing with crystals.
Once the desired length is achieved, finish by attaching the second side of the clasp.
Secure and trim any excess thread.

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