Gwyneth Crystal Cosmic Ring Pendant Tutorial



Create a dramatic necklace featuring the Potomac Crystal Cosmic ring in this DIY necklace tutorial. Technique learned: Brick Stitch The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Cosmic Rings - Paradise Shine 14mm, 1 Piece
  • Potomac Pearls - Dark Grey 3mm, 35 Pieces
  • Potomac Crystal Teardrop - Crystal AB 3x5mm, 17 Pieces
  • Miyuki Seed Beads - Silver Labrador Full 11/0, less than a gram

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    Materials Used To make The  Project

    Quick Project Steps

    Make the beautiful Gwyneth Pendant with the help of this PotomacBeads tutorial. Let Marissa guide you along as you bead around a Potomac crystal cosmic ring that sparkles and shines as it dangles off your neck. 1. Put about 5 feet of thread onto a size 12 needle. Put a pearl onto the thread and bring the needle through the Potomac crystal cosmic ring and back through the bead, pulling the bead up snug against the ring. Tie a knot. Add a seed bead and another pearl, bring the needle through the ring and up through the pearl only. Pull it all snug. Continue around the ring. 2. Watch the Gwyneth Pendant tutorial with Marissa to follow along with her instructions to create this beautiful beaded pendant. 3. Use a ladder stitch with seed beads to form seven groupings of two. Fold the strip of beads over to form a loop. Reinforce the first two groupings. Add somePotomax chain. The Gwyneth Pendant is a very light pendant to wear. You could make another little component to add to the top and switch it up into an earring, it’s that light! Use your favorite color scheme and have fun beading. Project Length: 2.5" Technique learned: Brick Stitch

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