
{"videos":[{"originalUrl":"","title":"Selling Your Jewelry on Instagram - Better Beaders Episode by PotomacBeads","thumbnailUrl":"","embed":"\n<iframe width=\" 200\" height=\"113\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"><\/iframe>\n"}]}

Selling Your Jewelry On Instagram

Looking for an alternative way to sell your jewelry? Or wondering how you can use Instagram to your advantage as a beader?!? You're in luck because in Better Beader's Episode 140, Allie, along with special guest Kira, goes over Instagram and ways for using it to your benefit to hopefully sell some of your designs. Stay tuned for more episodes on how to utilize all your social media resources for reaching larger audiences!

Episode Transcript


Selling your handmade jewelry on Instagram can be a fantastic way to reach a wider audience, connect with potential customers, and grow your business. In this article, we'll share valuable insights and tips from the Better Beader episode "Selling Your Jewelry on Instagram" by Potomac Beads. Whether you're a seasoned jewelry maker or just starting out, this guide will help you navigate the world of Instagram marketing and effectively promote your beautiful creations.

Setting Up Your Instagram Account

  • Choose a memorable and relevant username that reflects your brand or jewelry style
  • Create an engaging bio that showcases your unique selling points and personality
  • Include a link to your website or online shop in your bio for easy access
  • Use a clear, high-quality profile picture that represents your brand

Crafting Compelling Content

  • Post high-quality, visually appealing photos of your jewelry pieces
  • Showcase your jewelry in lifestyle settings to help customers envision wearing your designs
  • Share behind-the-scenes content, such as your creative process or workspace
  • Create short video tutorials or product demonstrations to engage your audience
  • Use Instagram Stories and Reels to share more casual, in-the-moment content

Hashtags and Engagement

  • Research and use relevant hashtags to make your content discoverable
  • Engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages
  • Collaborate with other jewelry makers or influencers to expand your reach
  • Participate in jewelry-related challenges or trends to increase visibility
  • Encourage user-generated content by reposting customer photos (with permission)

Promoting Your Products

  • Use Instagram's shopping features to tag products in your posts and stories
  • Create a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged
  • Offer exclusive discounts or promotions to your Instagram followers
  • Consider running targeted Instagram ads to reach a wider audience
  • Direct customers to your website or online shop for easy purchasing

Analyzing and Adapting

  • Use Instagram Insights to track your performance and understand your audience
  • Experiment with different types of content and posting times to see what resonates best
  • Continuously refine your strategy based on your analytics and audience feedback
  • Stay up-to-date with Instagram's latest features and algorithm changes


Selling your jewelry on Instagram can be a rewarding and profitable venture with the right strategies in place. By creating compelling content, engaging with your audience, and effectively promoting your products, you can build a thriving community of loyal customers who appreciate your unique designs. Remember to stay authentic, consistent, and adaptable as you grow your Instagram presence. Happy selling!

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