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Discs n’ Diamonds Bracelet Tutorial

This video tutorial from PotomacBeads teaches you how to make Bridget Cook's "Discs n' Diamonds" bracelet, taught by Allie Buchman. Find a list of supplies used in the project in the description below.

Step 1: Choose Your Materials

Step 2: Watch the 
Video Tutorial

Discs n’ Diamonds Bracelet Tutorial
The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
DiscDuo® Beads - Golden Touch Shadows, 20 Pieces
DiscDuo® Beads - Pastel Petrol, 11 Pieces
Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Picasso Cobalt Opaque
Toho Seed Beads 11/0 - Permafinish Rose Gold
Cup Button - Crystal Matte, 1 Piece

Step 3: Need More Help? Follow these Steps


Quick Project Steps

Prepare Your Materials: Gather all the materials listed above. Cut a 5-foot piece of beading thread and thread a needle on each end.
Begin with the Clasp: Start by adding a Cup Button clasp using seed beads for decoration.
Add the First Row of DiscDuos: Work the first row of DiscDuo beads, interspersed with 11/0 seed beads, to create the base of the bracelet.
Create Diamond Shapes: Use 11/0 seed beads to form diamond shapes around each DiscDuo bead.
Add Additional Rows: Introduce more rows of DiscDuo beads to the sides to widen the bracelet.
Finalize with Outer Rows: Complete the design with outer rows of seed beads and DiscDuo beads, adding a professional finish.
Close the Bracelet: Finish the bracelet by securing the other end of the clasp and reinforcing the loop for durability.

Step 5: Need Any Extra Materials?

  • Potomacbeads Beading Ruler | Ultimate | Crystal | 9x3"
  • Thread Zap II
  • BeadTec Beading Needles Sizes 10, 11, 12 | Mix Pack of 6
  • Plastic Caliper Tool - White
  • BeadTec DragonThread - Crystal/White | Size 6 (Medium) | 50 Meter Spool
  • BeadTec DragonThread - Green | Size 6 (Medium) | 50 Meter Spool

Step 5: Need Any Extra Materials?

BeadTec Beading Ruler | Advanced | 6x3"
Discs n’ Diamonds Bracelet Tutorial
PotomacBeads Pliers - Round Nose Pliers

Step 6: Choose Your Next Project

  • Learn how to create beautiful and artistic RounDuo Bangle Stacker Bracelets in this DIY jewelry-making tutorial. Using RounDuo or RounDuo Mini beads paired with 11/0, 15/0, and 8/0 seed beads, this video will guide you through each step, from selecting materials to finishing with a clasp or continuous bangle design.

    Read More

Step 6: Choose Your Next Project

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Watch Anna Tonnesen as she provides detailed step by step tutorial instructions to learn to embroider with beads. Create the Glasgow Rose pendant or create your own masterpiece of DIY jewelry following this project tutorial. Learn how to lay out your embroidery project, cut and shape your surface, sew on beads, apply the backing and seem the sides of the piece.
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Donna E. Verified Customer

When you are looking at your cart, it would be helpful if the back button would put you back on the same page in the search results that you last were on. Instead, it has you go back to page 1 in your search. I always have to remember which page I was on when I want to view my cart. I go back and forth quite often, and it is annoying. Also, I was looking for storm duos in a real red, a real dark blue, and a dark teal. Didn't find any of those colors. I look for these colors a lot in purchasing other types of beads, too, and your site doesn't offer very many choices if any at all.

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Item Description

This video tutorial from PotomacBeads teaches you how to make Bridget Cook's "Discs n' Diamonds" bracelet, taught by Allie Buchman. Find a list of supplies used in the project in the description below.

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
DiscDuo® Beads - Golden Touch Shadows, 20 Pieces
DiscDuo® Beads - Pastel Petrol, 11 Pieces
Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Picasso Cobalt Opaque
Toho Seed Beads 11/0 - Permafinish Rose Gold
Cup Button - Crystal Matte, 1 Piece

Project Steps

Prepare Your Materials: Gather all the materials listed above. Cut a 5-foot piece of beading thread and thread a needle on each end.
Begin with the Clasp: Start by adding a Cup Button clasp using seed beads for decoration.
Add the First Row of DiscDuos: Work the first row of DiscDuo beads, interspersed with 11/0 seed beads, to create the base of the bracelet.
Create Diamond Shapes: Use 11/0 seed beads to form diamond shapes around each DiscDuo bead.
Add Additional Rows: Introduce more rows of DiscDuo beads to the sides to widen the bracelet.
Finalize with Outer Rows: Complete the design with outer rows of seed beads and DiscDuo beads, adding a professional finish.
Close the Bracelet: Finish the bracelet by securing the other end of the clasp and reinforcing the loop for durability.