Katherine Necklace Tutorial

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In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Allie teaches you how to make the “Katherine Necklace” featuring Semi Circle Beads.

Step 1: Choose Your Materials

Step 2: Watch the 
Video Tutorial

Katherine Necklace Tutorial
The Designer's suggested colors and materials:
Semi Circle - Jet, ~ 34 pieces
Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Nickel Plated 15/0, ~ 2g
Potomac Crystal Round - Alexandrite 2mm, ~ 12 pieces
Potomac Crystal Round - Alexandrite 3mm, ~ 12 pieces
Potomac Crystal Disco Ball - Alexandrite 6mm, ~ 12 Pieces
Wire Guard, 2 pieces
Chain, ~ 8 inches
Clasp, 1 Piece

Step 3: Need More Help? Follow these Steps


Quick Project Steps

Start by attaching an 11/0 seed bead to a semi-circle bead, entering through the flat end and exiting the rounded side.
Add six 15/0 seed beads, then loop back through the semi-circle to create an edge decoration.
Continue adding semi-circle beads separated by 11/0 seed beads, adjusting the number based on the desired length.
Incorporate 2mm Potomac crystal rounds, gradually increasing in size to 3mm and then to 6mm disco balls for a graduated effect.
Finish the design by attaching wire guards on each end, facilitating the addition of the chain and clasp.
Secure and reinforce the wire guards and trim any excess thread.

Step 5: Need Any Extra Materials?

  • Potomacbeads Beading Ruler | Ultimate | Crystal | 9x3"
  • Thread Zap II
  • BeadTec Beading Needles Sizes 10, 11, 12 | Mix Pack of 6
  • Plastic Caliper Tool - White
  • BeadTec DragonThread - Crystal/White | Size 6 (Medium) | 50 Meter Spool
  • BeadTec DragonThread - Green | Size 6 (Medium) | 50 Meter Spool

Step 5: Need Any Extra Materials?

BeadTec Beading Ruler | Advanced | 6x3"
Katherine Necklace Tutorial
PotomacBeads Pliers - Round Nose Pliers

Step 6: Choose Your Next Project

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Step 6: Choose Your Next Project

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Item Description

In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Allie teaches you how to make the “Katherine Necklace” featuring Semi Circle Beads.

Designer's Material List

The Designer's suggested colors and materials:
Semi Circle - Jet, ~ 34 pieces
Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Nickel Plated 15/0, ~ 2g
Potomac Crystal Round - Alexandrite 2mm, ~ 12 pieces
Potomac Crystal Round - Alexandrite 3mm, ~ 12 pieces
Potomac Crystal Disco Ball - Alexandrite 6mm, ~ 12 Pieces
Wire Guard, 2 pieces
Chain, ~ 8 inches
Clasp, 1 Piece

Project Steps

Start by attaching an 11/0 seed bead to a semi-circle bead, entering through the flat end and exiting the rounded side.
Add six 15/0 seed beads, then loop back through the semi-circle to create an edge decoration.
Continue adding semi-circle beads separated by 11/0 seed beads, adjusting the number based on the desired length.
Incorporate 2mm Potomac crystal rounds, gradually increasing in size to 3mm and then to 6mm disco balls for a graduated effect.
Finish the design by attaching wire guards on each end, facilitating the addition of the chain and clasp.
Secure and reinforce the wire guards and trim any excess thread.