Hampton Court Framed Cabochon Bracelet Tutorial



  • Hampton Court Framed Cabochon Bracelet Tutorial - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Cabochons take center stage in this bold design. Build components with Glass Pearls, Czech Faceted Rounds, and Seed Beads around a simple cabochon bezel.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Step 1: Start with a circle of 24 11/0 seed beads, adding prongs every six beads for the bezel foundation. Step 2: Introduce a contrasting color in the center, connecting prongs to form a base. Step 3: Build the sides of the bezel by adding new prongs and connecting them with alternating color beads. Step 4: Secure the cabochon in the bezel and tighten the structure by threading through added beads. Step 5: Embellish with pearls, adding a border around each and connecting them using faceted rounds. Step 6: Connect the completed components with pearls, ensuring secure attachment and adding accent colors for aesthetic appeal. Step 7: Finalize the bracelet by adding a clasp and reinforcing connections for durability.

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