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Potomac Picks for Beading & Jewelry-Making



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Potomac Picks

  • Product Info
  • About Seed Beads
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  • Embark on a journey of discovery with Potomac Picks—a curated collection of limited-run bead and jewelry-making products sourced by our team from around the globe. These unique finds are the result of our team's travels, taking them to various corners of the world in search of hidden treasures. Potomac Picks includes products sourced from limited production runs in factories, as well as rare and antique gems unearthed from cellars behind the iron curtain or the remote landscapes of Thailand, Peru, Nepal, Tibet, Uruguay, or Indonesia. Each item in this collection presents an opportunity to work with rare and finite materials that may never be produced again. Explore the world through Potomac Picks and discover what our team has brought to you from their adventures. What will you find and craft into your designs? The possibilities are as endless as the global destinations from which these unique materials originate.
    Embark on a journey of discovery with Potomac Picks—a curated collection of limited-run bead and jewelry-making products sourced by our team from around the globe. These unique finds are the result of our team's travels, taking them to various corners of the world in search of hidden treasures. Potomac Picks includes products sourced from limited production runs in factories, as well as rare and antique gems unearthed from cellars behind the iron curtain or the remote landscapes of Thailand, Peru, Nepal, Tibet, Uruguay, or Indonesia. Each item in this collection presents an opportunity to work with rare and finite materials that may never be produced again. Explore the world through Potomac Picks and discover what our team has brought to you from their adventures. What will you find and craft into your designs? The possibilities are as endless as the global destinations from which these unique materials originate.


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  • About Seed Beads

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vulputate arcu eget orci hendrerit, nec fermentum mi volutpat. Nulla id ante lorem. Maecenas non augue ipsum. Maecenas vulputate leo at sapien luctus congue. Vestibulum sed consectetur enim. Ut a convallis tellus, eget euismod tellus. Praesent porttitor at neque eu posuere. Vestibulum venenatis mollis sollicitudin. Suspendisse vel tempus orci. Nullam lobortis porttitor molestie. Vestibulum non sodales dui. Aenean convallis odio dolor, sit amet dignissim tortor rutrum quis. Curabitur tempus condimentum purus vitae efficitur.

    Mauris non leo elit. Nulla facilisi. Nullam at aliquam ex. Aliquam et elit a enim maximus auctor et sed magna. Aliquam ut quam nec diam pretium aliquam. Praesent efficitur, massa a facilisis varius, eros nibh sodales arcu, in convallis eros velit et felis. Donec aliquam blandit dolor, vitae vestibulum libero. Curabitur arcu est, condimentum sed odio nec, fringilla interdum dui. Donec fringilla non nisi a hendrerit. In ut nunc eget purus vehicula interdum et vel diam. Phasellus eu lectus ultricies, euismod nibh eget, interdum elit. Maecenas pharetra, elit eu finibus tincidunt, ex nisi consectetur ligula, mattis scelerisque tortor nisl sit amet neque. Donec convallis velit enim, in elementum neque ultricies nec. Sed convallis scelerisque pretium. In nec mi mattis, eleifend ex ac, dapibus mauris. Nunc sit amet tellus gravida, blandit enim in, posuere ex.