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Quick Crystal Oval Setting Bracelet Tutorial



  • Quick Crystal Oval Setting Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
If you have always dreamed about making a bracelet or necklace, maybe you could make it for yourself and also for those who you love, because your work will be unique and if you give then they will surely appreciate the effort that you are making to give them something precious. The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Oval 13x18mm - Aqua Opal, 2 Pieces

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    Materials Used To make The  Project

    Designer's Material List

    The Designer's suggested colors and materials: ​
    Potomac Crystal Oval 13x18mm - Aqua Opal, 2 Pieces
    Potomac Crystal Oval 13x18mm - Aqua AB, 2 Pieces
    Potomac Crystal Oval 13x18mm - Green Opal, 2 Pieces
    Potomac Crystal Oval 13x18mm - Light Azore, 2 Piece
    Potomac Crystal Bicone 4mm - Green Opal, ~ 16 Beads
    Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Crystal Labrador Full, ~ 1 Gram
    ClaspGarten 5 Petal Flower Clasp, 1 Piece
    Settings for Potomac Crystal Oval Stone, 7 Pieces Secondary Colorway
    Potomac Crystal Oval 13x18mm - Paradise Shine, 2 Pieces
    Potomac Crystal Oval 13x18mm - Crystal Vitrail Light, 2 Pieces
    Potomac Crystal Oval 13x18mm - Pink Opal, 2 Pieces
    Potomac Crystal Bicone 4mm - Rose AB, ~ 14 Beads

    Quick Project Steps

    Prepare your materials and tools.
    Open the prongs of the oval settings and insert the Potomac Crystal Ovals.
    Use needle nose pliers to bend the prongs securely over the crystals.
    Attach the beading cable to the clasp and begin stringing your beads and crystals according to the desired pattern.
    Ensure proper spacing and alignment of the crystals for an elegant look.
    Finish the project by attaching the other end of the clasp and securing the crimp beads for a polished appearance.

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