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Multi Row Right Angle Weave Bracelet Tutorial



  • Multi-Row Right Angle Weave Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
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You already know RAW stitch, but now you can perfect your multi-row RAW with this new beaded necklace tutorial! In this video, Allie uses Potomac Crystal Bicones, Turquoise, and seed beads to create this gorgeous, vibrant piece! Technique Learned:
  • Basic Beading The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Bicone 4mm - Coral Opal, ~50 Beads

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    Materials Used To make The  Project

    Designer's Material List

    The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Bicone 4mm - Coral Opal, ~ 50 Beads
  • Gemstone Magnesite Turquoise Round 4mm, ~ 75 Beads
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 6/0 - Opaque Chocolate, ~ 50 Beads
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Duracoat Glavanized Silver, ~ 50 Beads
  • Cup Button - Amber Picasso, 1 Piece
  • Quick Project Steps

    Watch this PotomacBeads tutorial to learn the quickest way to complete right angle weave stitches to create the Multi-Row Right Angle Weave Bracelet. Allie shows you an easy way to learn the skill and gives some time saving tips along the way.
    1.Put two size 10 needles onto 5 feet of size 6 Dragonthread. Pick up 3 seed beads. Take both needles through the cup button and pick up 3 seed beads onto each needle. Criss cross through a gemstone . Make sure both sides of thread are the same length. Add a Potomac crystal bicone onto each side.
    2.Watch the Multi-Row Right Angle Weave Bracelet tutorial to see how to complete the RAW design.
    3.When you are finished the RAW design, reinforce through the button clasp once more with both needles. Bring the thread ends together and tie them off. Separate the needles and bring the thread into the weave and burn off the ends.
    This is a great introduction to learn the Multi-Row Right Angle Weave technique. Use this skill to make many beautiful bracelets for yourself and others.

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