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Firefly Bracelet II Tutorial



  • FireFly Bracelet II - DIY Beadweaving Tutorial by PotomacBeads
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In this PotomacBeads tutorial you will learn how to use a CRAW stitch to create the Firefly Bracelet II. Delicate firefly wings will flitter on your wrist with this showstopper bracelet.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials: •2-Hole Dagger - Etched Sliperit Full, ~40 Piecesn •EVA® Beads - Pastel Petrol, ~20 Pieces •RounDuo® Beads - Aztec Gold, ~11 Pieces •Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Silver Lined Dark Topaz AB, ~2 Grams •Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Duracoat Galvanized Muscat, ~2 Grams •Cup Button - Crystal Etched Sliperit Full, 1 piece

Quick Project Steps

In this PotomacBeads tutorial you will learn how to use a CRAW stitch to create the Firefly Bracelet II. Delicate firefly wings will flitter on your wrist with this showstopper bracelet.
1. Put 2 size 12 needles onto .006 Wildfire beading thread. Pick up three 15/0s and then bring both needles up through a cup button. Add two 15/0s onto each needle. Make sure you have equal amounts of thread on both sides. Pick up four 11/0s onto one needle and bring the second needle through the beads in the opposite direction.
2. Watch the Firefly Bracelet II tutorial with Allie as she shares her step-by-step directions to create the beautiful piece of DIY jewelry.
3. Bring the two thread ends together at the end of the project. Tie the 2 ends together and then separate the threads by bringing them down into the interior of the design. Burn the edges flush against the project.
The Firefly Bracelet II is a great 2-needle project that is suitable for most beading skills. Enjoy wearing this beautiful beaded bracelet out or make one as an unforgettable gift for someone special.

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