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Discs n’ Diamonds Bracelet Tutorial



  • Discs n' Diamonds- DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
This video tutorial from PotomacBeads teaches you how to make Bridget Cook's "Discs n' Diamonds" bracelet, taught by Allie Buchman. Find a list of supplies used in the project in the description below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
DiscDuo® Beads - Golden Touch Shadows, 20 Pieces
DiscDuo® Beads - Pastel Petrol, 11 Pieces
Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Picasso Cobalt Opaque
Toho Seed Beads 11/0 - Permafinish Rose Gold
Cup Button - Crystal Matte, 1 Piece

Quick Project Steps

Prepare Your Materials: Gather all the materials listed above. Cut a 5-foot piece of beading thread and thread a needle on each end.
Begin with the Clasp: Start by adding a Cup Button clasp using seed beads for decoration.
Add the First Row of DiscDuos: Work the first row of DiscDuo beads, interspersed with 11/0 seed beads, to create the base of the bracelet.
Create Diamond Shapes: Use 11/0 seed beads to form diamond shapes around each DiscDuo bead.
Add Additional Rows: Introduce more rows of DiscDuo beads to the sides to widen the bracelet.
Finalize with Outer Rows: Complete the design with outer rows of seed beads and DiscDuo beads, adding a professional finish.
Close the Bracelet: Finish the bracelet by securing the other end of the clasp and reinforcing the loop for durability.

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