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Delicate Duos Bracelet Tutorial



  • Delicate Duos - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
In this video tutorial from The PotomacBeads, Marissa teaches you how to make her "Delicate Duos" bracelet pattern. Find a list of supplies used here in the description below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
  • IrisDuo® Beads - Crystal Labrador Full
  • SuperDuo Beads - Gold Pearl Shine Dark Olive
  • Potomac Crystal Rondelle 2x3mm - Opal AB
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 8/0 - Galvanized Gold
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Duracoat Galvanized Champagne
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Crystal Sliperit
  • Cup Button - Crystal AB
  • Quick Project Steps

    Learn how to use 2 needles to design the floral pattern used in the Delicate Duos Bracelet. This dainty bracelet features Potomac crystal rondelles that shimmer and shine with your every move.
    1.Put two size 10 needles onto some .006 Wildfire thread. Pick up three 11/0s and bring both needles up through the holes of a cup button. Add two 11/0s onto each needle. Criss-cross through another 11/0. Pull the thread and make sure both sides are equal.
    2.Watch the Delicate Duos Bracelet tutorial with Marissa to follow along with her instructions to create this pretty beaded bracelet.
    3.Once you get back to the cup button end of your project, reinforce it by bringing both needles through it. Add seed beads to the sides of the bracelet as you bring the thread back to the other end. Knot off the thread.
    Have fun making the Delicate Duos Bracelet. This pretty bracelet would make a great gift for a friend or loved one. They’ll love the shine of the IrisDuos and sparkle of the crystals.

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