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Curvy Cube Bracelet Tutorial



  • Curvy Cube Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Grab a two-holed bead and have some fun creating this wavy, Curvy Cube Bracelet. Featuring Potomac Crystal Cubes, this design is highlighted by the use of the Infinite clasp and cabochon.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

Project Length/ SIze: 725" Bracelet The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Cube 2mm - Blue Zircon, ~16 Beads
  • Potomac Crystal Cube 4mm - Alexandrite, ~48 Beads
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Silver Labrador, ~1 Gram
  • 2 Holed Lentil - Silver Rainbow, 15 Beads
  • Infinite Clasp - Silver, 1 Piece
  • Czech Cabochon 10mm - Underlit Pink Mist, 1 Piece Second Colorway:
  • Potomac Crystal Cube 2mm - Metallic Gold Iris, ~16 Beads
  • Potomac Crystal Cube 4mm - Smokey Topaz AB, ~48 Beads
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Metallic Dark Rasberry, ~1 Gram
  • 2 Holed Lentil - Etched Orange Rainbow, 15 Beads
  • Infinite Clasp - Silver
  • Quick Project Steps

    You’ll love the sparkle in this delicate Curvy Cube bracelet. Use this PotomacBeads tutorial to learn how to easily create this basic bead weaving project.
    1. Put a needle onto each end of 5 feet of thread, loop through an infinite clasp two times. Put both needles through a seed bead and drop it down to the clasp, making sure the two ends of thread are the same length. Pick up a seed bead, a 4mm cube and another seed bead on one needle. On the other needle pick up 4 seed beads separated by 2mm cubes.
    2. Watch the Curvy Cube bracelet tutorial to follow along with Allie as she shows you step-by-step directions to create the pattern.
    3. Add the other side of the clasp to the end. Tie the threads together and burn the ends flat to the project. Glue the Czech cabochon into the clasp.
    The Curvy Cube bracelet makes a great last minute gift. The design would also make a cute necklace or dangle earrings.
    Project Length/ SIze: 725" Bracelet

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