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Crossing Bicones Bracelet Tutorial



  • Crossing Bicones Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
The new Crossing Bicones Bracelet uses a color palette so warm that you can practically feel it! In this beaded bracelet tutorial, Allie shows us how to use Potomac Pearls, seed beads, and bicones to create this stunning DIY design!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Bicones 2mm - Champagne ~ 80 Beads
  • Potomac Crystal Bicones 2mm - Smokey Topaz ~ 40 Beads
  • Potomac Pearls 4mm - Old Lace ~ 40 Beads
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 8/0 - Metallic Dark Bronze ~ 2 Grams
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Galvanized Apricot ~ 1 Gram
  • Cup Button - Topaz 1 Piece
  • Quick Project Steps

    In this PotomacBeads tutorial you will learn how to use a right angle weave in this simple two needle project. The Crossing Bicones bracelet is suitable for beginners, but beaders of all skill levels can enjoy making this glittering beauty.
    Thread two size 11 needles on about 4 feet of .006 Dragon thread. Put on an 11/0, an 8/0 and another 11/0. Thread on a cup button through both needles. Pick up 2 11/0 seed beads on each needle. Criss cross through a Potomac crystal bicone, add a pearl onto each needle. Then pick up an 11/0, a crystal and another 11/0 on each needle.
    Watch the Crossing Bicones bracelet tutorial to see step-by-step directions to create this project.
    When you’ve beaded back to the cup button, reinforce it by threading through it a couple more times. Tie the thread ends together and burn down the loose ends.
    Have fun learning how to make your own beautiful jewelry with PotomacBeads by your side. The Crossing Bicones bracelet is an attractive accessory that you’ll love wearing with any outfit. Give one as a gift that’s sure to be appreciated

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