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Clover Bracelet Tutorial



  • Clover Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
This video tutorial from PotomacBeads Allie teaches you how to make the Clover Bracelet. To purchase PotomacBeads product feature in the tutorial, see the links below. Technique Learned: Circular Peyote

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer's suggested colors and materials:
  • Kheops Par Puca Beads - Camel Gold, ~36 Pieces
  • DiscDuo Beads - Crystal Sliperit Matted Full, ~10 Pieces
  • Potomac Crystal Rounds 4mm - Smokey Topaz AB, ~11 Pieces
  • 2-Hole Bar Beads - White Vega Luster, ~18 Pieces
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Duracoat Galvanized Dusty Orchid, ~ Grams
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Duracoat Galvanized Gold, ~2 Grams
  • Cup Buttons - Etched Crystal Sliperit Full, 1 Piece
  • Quick Project Steps

    Thread two needles with .006 beading thread.
    Start by threading an 11/0 seed bead with a 15/0 on either side, followed by a cup button, and then add one 11/0 and two 15/0s to each needle.
    Pass both needles through a Potomac crystal round, add two 15/0s, and one 11/0 to each needle.
    Separate the needles, adding respective beads to each, and stitch through a disc duo bead.
    Continue adding beads following the pattern, integrating 2-hole bar beads and Kheops Par Puca beads.
    Reinforce the bracelet by tying the threads at the start, incorporating the clasp, and finishing with a secure knot.

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