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Brizo Bracelet Tutorial



  • Brizo Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Dreaming of the ocean? The Brizo Bracelet captures the beauty, strength, and power this patron goddess of sailors, fishermen, and mariners held. Potomac Crystal Chatons in both 6 and 4mm and Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 diagonally stitched create this shimmering aquamarine beauty. Gather your materials and come create with us!⁠

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials for ~7.5-inch (19 cm) wrist:
  • Potomac Crystal Bezeled Chaton 6mm - Blue Opal ~ 8 Beads
  • Potomac Crystal Bezeled Chaton 4mm - Blue Opal ~ 9 Beads
  • Miyuki Seed Bead 15/0 - Duracoat Galvanized Gold ~ 1 Gram
  • Miyuki Seed Bead 15/0 - Duracoat Silver Lined Aqua ~ 1 Gram
  • Cup Button - White Baby Blue Luster ~1 Button
  • Quick Project Steps

    This dainty Brizo bracelet is perfect for adding a touch of sparkle to any outfit. The tranquil ocean colors are perfect for summertime, and the delicate design is sure to please.
    1. Put 2 size 10 needles onto 4 feet of .006 thread. Pick up 2 gold seed beads, an aqua seed bead and two more gold. Let them drop down to the middle of the thread. Put on a cup button with the bowl side down. Grab 3 gold beads on each needle. Cross though an aqua bead with both needles. Make sure you have equal amounts of thread on each side.
    2. Continue to add the Potomac crystal bezeled chatons with the help of the Brizo bracelet tutorial.
    3. Form a loop with the gold seed beads, decorating the outside of it with the aqua beads. Tie the threads together. Separate the threads by beading away from each other down through a little bit of the project. Tie off again. Burn the edges.
    This is a fun and simple bracelet to make and would make a thoughtful gift. You can make this Brizo bracelet with just a few supplies from PotomacBeads.
    Enjoy using this jewelry-making bead tutorial video to help you become a more creative and happier beader!

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