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Athens Bracelet Tutorial



  • Athens Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Allie teaches you how to make her “Athens Bracelet.” Use the EVA beads and chatons to create this piece. All the materials needed on link below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Bezeled Chatons 6mm - Chilli
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Metallic Light Bronze
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Duracoat Opaque Cactus
  • EVA® Beads - Pastel Bordeaux
  • RounDuo® Mini Beads - Ancient Gold
  • Pewter toggle - Antique Brass
  • Quick Project Steps

    In this PotomacBeads tutorial, learn how to create the elegant Athens Bracelet. The Potomac crystal bezeled chatons really give it a glamorous look perfect for a night out.
    1. Put a wire guard with a clasp sitting in it onto .006 wildfire thread and put on two size 10 needles. Add a 15/0 and an 11/0 onto each needle. Let them drop down, making sure the thread stays in the wire guard. Add two more 11/0s onto each needle. Pick up an EVA bead with your right needle from the pointed side, go through the chaton corner and then through another EVA bead from the back to the front point. Go through the three beads again in the opposite direction with the left bead. Make sure you have equal amounts of thread on both sides.
    2. Continue beading the component pieces with the help of the Athens bracelet tutorial. Repeat the pattern until you reach your desired length. Add on the clasp.
    3. Use the seed beads along the edge, using the second holes in the RounDuo Minis. Reinforce the wire guard and clasp at the beginning. Knot the two threads together thread the ends down away from each other, burn off the ends.
    If you're looking for a special bracelet to give as a gift, or you simply want a beautiful and versatile piece of jewelry for yourself, the Athens Bracelet is a great choice.

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