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Arrow Tips Bracelet Tutorial



  • Arrow Tips Bracelet- DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
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In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Tereza teaches you how to make her "Arrow Tips" bracelet. This fun design uses Preciosa "Bow" beads, Dragon Scale beads, and other basic crystals and seed beads.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer's suggested colors and materials:
  • Bow Beads - White Lilac Picasso
  • Dragon Scale Beads - Metallic Mix
  • Potomac Crystal Rondelle 3x4m - Light Rose AB
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Metallic Gold Iris
  • Quick Project Steps

    Learn how to use 2 needles to create this elegant looking Arrow Tips bracelet in this video tutorial from PotomacBeads. 1. Cut about 2 arm spans length of beading thread, put on the two size 12 needles. Put the clasp in the center of the thread. Put six 15/0s onto one needle and slide them off the needle. Use the second needle to go through the two last beads in the opposite direction. Slide the beads down to the clasp, making sure they are in the center. 2. Add four 15/0s to the right hand needle, pick up a bow bead from back to front. Pick up three 15/0s and one arrow tip on the left hand needle and go through the existing bow bead from the front to the back and through the first 15/0 that is next to it. Follow along with Tereza in the Arrow Tips bracelet tutorial as she guides you step-by-step through the process of making the bracelet. 3. Tie off the thread ends and burn down with a thread zap. Challenge yourself to learn a new skill making this beautiful Arrow Tips bracelet. Even if you are new to beading, you will be able to create this bracelet with a little patience and this tutorial. In the end you'll have a dazzling new piece of jewelry that you can wear with pride.

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