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Arcos Wrap Bracelet Tutorial



  • Arcos Wrap Bracelet - DIY Jewelry-Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Bridgette teaches you how to make a quick and easy "Arcos Wrap" bracelet with 3-hole "Arcos Par Puca" beads. Find a list of materials used in the description below. This is a great tutorial to learn the basics of beadweaving, while becoming more familiar with the use of thread and needles. The Designer's suggested colors and materials:

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Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
  • Arcos Par Puca® beads - Jade
  • Minos Par Puca® beads - Amethyst/ Gold Ceramic Look
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Gilt Lined Opal
  • Cup Buttons - Amethyst
  • Quick Project Steps

    Thread two needles with a wingspan length of beading thread. Start with a cup button clasp, adding three 11/0 seed beads before passing both needles through the button. Add one 11/0 seed bead on each needle, then an Arcos bead with both needles. Continue the pattern: two 11/0 seed beads, one Arcos bead, one 11/0 seed bead, one Minos bead on each needle, and repeat. Once the bracelet reaches the desired length (about 14 inches for a double wrap), add 26 11/0 seed beads on one needle to create a loop for the clasp. Secure the thread with a square knot and trim or burn the ends.

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