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Apple Blossom Bracelet Tutorial



  • Apple Blossom Bracelet- DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Tereza teaches you how to make her simple 'Apple Blossom' bracelet design using the LeafDuo beads. This bracelet flows in a breezy curve across your wrist!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer's suggested colors and materials:
  • LeafDuo Beads - White Shimmer,~12 Pieces
  • 2-Hole Bar Beads - Aluminum Silver, ~13 Pieces
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Duracoat Opaque Guava, ~1 Gram
  • Cup Buttons - White Teal Luster, 1 Piece
  • Quick Project Steps

    Gather your materials: seed beads (11/0, 15/0, 8/0), beading needle, beading thread, clasp, scissors.
    Start by threading your needle with a comfortable length of thread.
    Attach the clasp to one end of the thread using a secure knot.
    String a pattern of seed beads onto the thread to create the base of the bracelet.
    Begin the stitch technique by following the instructions provided in the video.
    Continue stitching until you reach the desired length for your bracelet.
    Finish off the bracelet by securely attaching the other end of the clasp.
    Trim any excess thread, and your bracelet is ready to wear or gift!

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