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Quarter Helix Bracelet Tutorial



  • Quarter Helix Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
  • 0% buffered00:00Current time30:32
In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Tereza is teaching us how to create a stunning Quarter Helix Bracelet. To purchase PotomacBeads products feature in the tutorial, see the links below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
  • Various sizes of seed beads (11/0, 15/0, 8/0).
  • Quarter Tila,Tila beads.
  • Beading thread and needle.
  • Scissors and a beading mat for a comfortable working environment.
  • Quick Project Steps

    Gather all materials and prepare your workspace.
    Thread the needle with a comfortable length of beading thread.
    Start by adding a small seed bead (15/0) followed by a Quarter Tila bead, repeating the pattern until the desired length is reached.
    Introduce a new color or size of seed bead (11/0, 8/0) for contrast and detail in the design.
    Weave the thread back through the beads to reinforce the bracelet and secure the pattern.
    Finish by adding a clasp of your choice, securing the ends of the thread.

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