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SuperDuo Tubular Knit Herringbone Tutorial



  • Seed Beading 931 - SuperDuo Tubular Knit Herringbone
This video tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company shows you how to make our previous "SuperDuo Knitted Herringbone Bracelet" in a tubular form, using Miyuki seed beads and SuperDuos.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
  • 10 grams of SuperDuos or Twin Beads (varies based on wrist size)
  • Miyuki 11/0 Seed Beads in seafoam green luster (and other colors for variation)
  • 4mm or 6mm crystals or plain round beads for decoration
  • Cup Buttons in jade Picasso for clasps
  • Pewter toggle and clasp (optional for a different finish)
  • Size 10 or 11 beading needle
  • Wildfire beading thread (0.008 inch, preferably in green)
  • Quick Project Steps

    Begin by stringing a sequence of SuperDuo (or Twin Bead), 11/0 seed bead, repeating this pattern six times on your thread.
    Form a circle by passing the needle back through all the beads, creating a base for the tubular knit pattern.
    Start building the pattern by adding a SuperDuo and 11/0 seed bead, passing through the existing beads in a specific order to create the tubular effect.
    Continue adding beads in the sequence, paying attention to the order to maintain the pattern. Once the desired length is reached, prepare to add the clasp by integrating cup buttons and creating a toggle using 11/0 seed beads.
    Finish the bracelet by securing the clasp and trimming any excess thread.

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