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Yoga Bracelet Tutorial



  • Yoga Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Get your "Om" on with the wrap style Yoga Bracelet! Allie from PotomacBeads shows you how to use micro-macrame to make this down to Earth bracelet with a variety if one-holed beads. If you don't like beadweaving weaving, sewing, stitching, or want to learn something new, this is the perfect jewelry making project!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials for ~7.5-inch (19 cm) wrist:
S-Lon - Steel Tex 210, 18 Feet
Czech Faceted Round 4mm - Crystal Labrador Full, ~ 25 Beads
Czech Round 4mm - Aztec Gold, ~ 25 Beads
Czech Faceted Round 4mm - Snake Mushroom, ~ 25 Beads
O Bead - Lila Gold Luster, ~ 25 Beads
Toho Seed Bead 11/0 - Semi Glazed Turquoise, ~ 40 Beads
Miyuki Sharp Triangle - Matte Metallic Patina Iris, ~ 25 Beads
Pewter Button Clasp - Angel wings, 1 Piece

Quick Project Steps

If you love yoga, or are looking for a unique and stylish bracelet, look no further than this Yoga Beads Bracelet from PotomacBeads! This bracelet is made using micro-macrame, and features a variety of one-holed beads. It's the perfect accessory and is sure to add a touch of style to any outfit!
1. Gather up some cord and a variety of Czech beads, Toho seed beads and Miyuki Sharp Triangles. Think about how many beads you want to use and how much space you want between beads. If you leave about 1/4inch in between you will need about 5 feet of cord to make a 12 inch bracelet. About 10 feet of cord will make a bracelet that can wrap around 3 times.
2. Put a button on the end of the cord to start, leaving one long end and one short end. You can wrap it twice to make it more secure. Use some superglue on the end of the cord to keep it from fraying. Watch the tutorial to learn the super simple knotting technique used in this yoga beads bracelet.
3. This knotting technique is very versatile and can be used with many different beads. Try wearing it as a bracelet or a necklace!
Beaded bracelets are a fun and easy way to add a little bit of personality to your yoga practice. Beaded bracelets are often given as gifts to loved ones as a way to show your support and encouragement. Making your own yoga wrap bracelet is easy with a little help from PotomacBeads. We have a great tutorial that will walk you through the steps. They can be customized to fit the wearer's style and can be made to suit any budget. PotomacBeads has a wide selection of beads and charms to choose from, so you can create a one-of-a-kind bracelet that is sure to be cherished.

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