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Braided Bars Tutorial



  • Braided Bars Bracelet- DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
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This video tutorial from PotomacBeads teaches you how to make Anna Tonnesen's "Braided Bars" bracelet design. Find a list of supplies needed in the description below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • 2-Hole Bar Beads - Brown Iris
  • 2-Hole Bar Beads- Opaque Lila
  • 2-Hole Bar Beads - White Gray
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Dyed Old Rose
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Sparkle Metallic Gold Lined Crystal
  • Quick Project Steps

    The beautiful Braided Bars bracelet in an elegant accessory to dress up your look. This PotomacBeads tutorial will show you how to create this bracelet by making braids of bar beads and joining them together with golden seed beads for a classy look.
    1. Using a size 10 needle on .006 wildfire, put a stop bead onto a few feet of thread. Pick up an A color bar, 2 seed beads, and a B color bar. Pick up 2 seed beads and thread through the open hole of the B color bar and A color bar. Thread on 2 more seed beads and thread through the top holes of the bars and the seed beads in between. Bring the needle through the beads on the side and thread through the bottom holes of both bars. This completes the first V section of the pattern.
    2. Watch the Braided Bars bracelet tutorial with Anna to see how to create the ABC pattern using the 2-holed bar beads and seed beads.
    3. Make a loop with seed beads at the end of the bracelet. Thread through a second time to reinforce and tie a knot. Add a button to the other end. Add glue to the knots.
    This Braided Bars bracelet is perfect for everyday wear. It’s simple, but stylish and can be dressed up or down.
    Choose your favorite colors to make this Braided Bars bracelet your go to piece.

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