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Lilly Ponds Bracelet Tutorial



  • Lilly Ponds Bracelet- DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
This video from PotomacBeads teaches you how to make Allie Buchman's "Lilly Ponds" bracelet design. Find a complete list of supplies in the description below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
  • MiniDuo® Beads - White Mint Luster
  • MiniDuo® Beads - Jet Bronze
  • SuperDuo Beads - Jade Picasso
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Galvanized Silver
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Crystal Sunset Matted
  • Pewter Metal Button - Flower Vortex
  • Quick Project Steps

    Prepare Your Materials: Gather all materials listed and lay them out on your bead mat.
    Thread Your Needle: Cut about 5 feet of Wildfire beading thread, thread your needle, and add a stop bead.
    Begin Herringbone Stitch: Start the bracelet base using the herringbone stitch pattern with MiniDuo® beads.
    Add SuperDuo Beads: Incorporate SuperDuo beads into the design as per the tutorial instructions to create the lily pad effect.
    Attach the Clasp: Sew the Pewter Metal Button to one end for closure, following the tutorial for precise placement.
    Detail with Seed Beads: Add Miyuki Seed Beads along the edges and between the beads for detailing and to tighten the structure.
    Finish Your Bracelet: Make final adjustments, tie off and glue the thread ends securely, and trim any excess thread.

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