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Night at the Oscars Bracelet Tutorial



  • Night at the Oscars Bracelet- DIY Jewelry making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
This new bracelet design from PotomacBeads founder Allie Buchman makes a fabulous introductory level beadweaving bracelet. Although any skill level can make this bracelet, be sure to share this fun and easy design with friends who want to get into weaving with beads! Find links for supplies below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials for :
  • RounDuo® Beads - Pastel Light Brown
  • Silky Beads - Aztec Gold
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Silver
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Black
  • Cup Button - Picasso
  • Quick Project Steps

    Gather all materials and tools listed. Thread your needles with approximately five feet of beading thread.
    Start with the cup button, adding three silver 11/0 seed beads before passing through the button to form the loop start.
    Begin the pattern by adding the specified seed beads and RounDuo® and Silky beads in the order mentioned, focusing on symmetry and the peyote stitch for details.
    Continue the pattern until you reach the desired length for your bracelet.
    Finish the bracelet by creating a loop with 11/0 seed beads for the cup button closure and reinforce the structure by passing the thread through the beads again.
    Add a dab of super glue to the thread ends for extra security and trim any excess thread.

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