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Sand and Sea Turtle Bracelet Tutorial



  • Sand and Sea Turtle Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Join Allie to make this intricately woven bracelet of sea-themed hues of SuperDuo Beads, Potomac Crystal Round Beads 3mm, Potomac Pearls 3mm, Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0, and a coordinating Cup Button. Check out the SuperDuo Beaded Beads tutorial if you want something other than a button.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Pearls - Rose Gold 3mm, ~ 42 Pieces
  • Potomac Crystal Round Beads - Metallic Green Iris 3mm, ~ 30 Pieces
  • SuperDuo Beads - Jet Red Luster (Metallic Green) 2.5X5mm, ~ 64 Pieces
  • Miyuki Seed Beads - Duracoat Galvanized Champagne 11/0, ~ 4 Grams
  • Miyuki Seed Beads - Matte Metallic Patina Iris 11/0, ~ 2 Grams
  • Cup Buttons - Amber Picasso, 1 Piece
  • Quick Project Steps

    Join Allie to make this intricately woven bracelet of sea-themed hues of SuperDuo Beads, Potomac Crystal Round Beads 3mm, Potomac Pearls 3mm, Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0, and a coordinating Cup Button. Check out the SuperDuo Beaded Beads tutorial if you want something other than a button. 1. Cut a 6 foot piece of size 6 DragonThread and add on a size 11 beading needle. Begin by adding a stop bead to the end of the thread leaving approximately 4" as a tail. String onto the thread a pearl, 11/0s and superduo beads. 2. Watch the Sand and Sea Turtle Bracelet tutorial for detailed instructions to create a right angle weave based turtle design. 3. After finishing the project make sure to reinforce your loop for your button and then knot off your thread ends. Burn down the thread ends and wear your bracelet. This video project tutorial features the SuperDuo beads with Potomac pearls and crystals. Not into turtles? Use floral colored SuperDuo beads to create a garden on your wrist with the same pattern. Project Length: 7"

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