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IrisDuo Floral Squares Bracelet Tutorial



  • IrisDuo Floral Squares Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Stitch these floral squares in soft shades or pops of color! Grab your IrisDuo Beads, SuperDuo Beads, Miyuki 8/0 Seed Beads, and a coordinating Potomac Crystal Bicone 4mm. Remember to finish your creation with a Potomax Infinite Cabochon Clasp.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Bicone Beads - Light Amethyst AB 4mm, ~ 40 Pieces
  • IrisDuo Beads - While Lila Luster 7x4mm, ~ 20 Pieces
  • SuperDuo Beads - Aztec Gold, ~ 60 Pieces
  • Miyuki Seed Beads - Silver Labrador Full 8/0, ~ 4 Grams
  • Potomax Infinite Cabochon Clasp 12.5mm, 1 Piece
  • Czech Cabochons - White Lila Luster 10mm, 1 Piece
  • Quick Project Steps

    In this PotomacBeads tutorial you will learn how create floral components and use a right angle weave stitch to connect them. The IrisDuo Floral Squares Bracelet is a fun project that is suitable for most beading skill levels. 1. Put a size 10 beading needle onto some size 8 DragonThread. Pick up an IrisDuo through the bottom hole with the puffed side up, followed by a SuperDuo. Repeat the pattern 3 more times. Let the beads drop to the bottom of the thread and tie them into a circle to form the interior of the beaded component. Take the needle and thread through the next 3 beads, coming out of an IrisDuo bead. Step up into the second hole of the IrisDuo. 2. Watch the IrisDuo Floral Squares Bracelet tutorial to follow along with Allie as she guides you step-by-step through the beaded floral component pattern and embellishes it with Potomac crystal bicones to add a pop of sparkle to the project. 3. When you have completed the components, pick up an 8/0 seed bead and sew through the top of a component. Pick up another 8/0 seed bead and sew through the top of a second component. Pull the 2 together to form a right angle weave connection point. Reinforce the connection. Sew along the outer edge to the corner to attach the next component. Add a Potomax Infinite Clasp to the end of the project. Glue a Czech Cabochon into the Potomax clasp. The IrisDuo Floral Squares Bracelet is a fun project that could be made in many different color schemes. Use the components to create a necklace or beautiful earrings to match the beaded bracelet.

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