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Modern Mayhem Bracelet Tutorial



  • Modern Mayhem Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Make order out of mayhem in today's YouTube tutorial right angle weave DIY bracelet. Use a combination of crystal, seed beads, bugle beads and so much more to create this elegant Modern Mayhem bracelet featuring the Potomax Infinite Crystal Oval Clasp. Technique learned: Right Angle Weave

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • Potomac Crystal Long Oval Mystic Myst, 1 Piece
  • Potomax Infinite Clasp Oval Silver, 1 Piece
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 8/0 - Labrador Full, ~ 5 Grams
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Duracoat Opaque Catalina, ~ 1 Gram
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Opaque Turquoise Green, ~ 1 Gram
  • Miyuki Bugle Beads 3mm - Matte Opaque Turquoise, ~ 1 Gram
  • Miyuki Delica Beads 11/0 - Frosted Opaque Blue Glaze, ~ 1 Gram
  • Potomac Crystal Bicone 3mm Emerald, ~ 20 Beads
  • Potomac Crystal Bicone 4mm Aqua, ~ 20 Beads
  • Quick Project Steps

    Use your favorite beads to create this Modern Mayhem bracelet, consisting of right angle weave with some embellishment. Put a stop bead onto about 5 feet of size 8 Dragonthread. Pick up 8 seed beads and sew back through the first 6 beads. Create another box by adding 6 more seed beads and sew into the top of the two beads the thread is coming out of. Go back through the bottom 2 beads, add 6 more beads to create another box. Watch the Modern Mayhem bracelet tutorial to follow along with Allie’s step-by-step directions to create a band about 7 inches long. Attach a Potomax infinite oval clasp, being careful to make sure the two sides of the clasp are facing in the right direction. Glue a long oval crystal into the clasp. This fun patchwork looking Modern Mayhem bracelet is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Have fun making up patterns or adding beads at random. The finished product will be a beautiful bracelet that you’ll enjoy showing off. Technique learned: Right Angle Weave

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