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Reed Bracelet Tutorial



  • Reed Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
  • 0% buffered00:00Current time08:16
The new Potomax (metal) EVA Beads and WibeDuo Beads fit so perfectly together, you would think they were destined to be used together. The Reed Bracelet, designed by Bridgette at PotomacBeads, uses the marriage of the two beads - along with Melon Beads and Miyuki Seed Beads - to create a bracelet that drapes so heavenly, other wrists (and people) will be jealous!

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Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer's suggested colors and materials::
  • Wibe Duo - Copper,~11 pieces
  • Potomax Eva - Antique Copper,~20 pieces
  • Melon 3mm - Watermelon Pacific, ~22 pieces
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Galvanized Burnt Cinnamon,~1g
  • Wire guards, 2 pieces
  • Jump ring, 1 piece
  • Copper Lobster Medium, 1 piece
  • Quick Project Steps

    Attach the wire guard to your thread, followed by a Melon bead and three 11/0 seed beads.
    Use two needles to add your first Wibe Duo bead, followed by an 11/0 seed bead on both needles.
    Continue the pattern by adding EVA beads, Melon beads, and 11/0 seed beads, alternating sides and securing each with the two-needle technique.
    Repeat the pattern until you reach the desired length of your bracelet.
    Finish the bracelet by adding a wire guard and clasp, ensuring both ends are securely fastened.
    Tie off and trim any excess thread.

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