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Tango Chain Bracelet Tutorial



  • Tango Chain Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
This is a video tutorial from PotomacBeads where Allie shows you how to make the "Tango Chain Bracelet." Check out all the materials on the link below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer's suggested colors and materials: •Tango Beads - 3 Colors ~ 48 Pieces •Tango Beads - Jet AB (Right Angle Triangle Shape) 6mm •Tango Beads - Pastel Aqua/blue (Right Angle Triangle Shape) 6mm •Tango Beads - Matte Silver (Right Angle Triangle Shape) 6mm •Toho Seed Bead 15/0 – Nickel, ~ 2 Grams •Rizo Bead - Jet Picasso, ~ 48 Pieces •Cup Button - Crystal Labrador, 1 Piece

Quick Project Steps

In this PotomacBeads tutorial you will learn how to string together Tango beads and decorate them with Rizos and seed beads. The Tango Chain Bracelet is an easy design that is suited for all beading skills.
1. Using a size 10-12 needle, put a stop bead onto about 5 feet of .006 Wildfire thread. Leave about 10 inches for a tail. Pick up a Tango bead through the smaller side coming out at the diagonal. Add a seed bead, a Rizo and another seed bead. Bring the needle back through the second hole of the Tango Bead.
2. Watch the Tango Chain Bracelet tutorial to follow along with Allie’s step-by-step directions to create an alluring piece of DIY jewelry.
3. Take the stop bead off and add the needle. Create a loop out of seed beads large enough to fit the button clasp on the other side of the project. Reinforce the loop. Tie off the thread and burn the loose ends.
The Tango Chain Bracelet is a simple design that can be personalized by using different beads of your choice to embellish with. Check out the great selection of beads and materials at PotomacBeads.

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