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Pocket Full of Posies Tutorial



  • Pocket Full of Posies Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Allie teaches you how to make the “Pocket Full of Posies” Bracelet designed by Kimrie Merrill. This project uses RounDuo mini, IrisDuo, & amos Par Puca beads. Find a complete list of beads and jewelry making supplies in the description below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The Designer’s suggested colors and materials:
  • RounDuo mini beads
  • IrisDuo beads
  • Amos Par Puca beads
  • 11/0 seed beads
  • Beading thread (0.006 green wildfire thread recommended)
  • Cup button (for clasp)
  • Needle
  • Quick Project Steps

    Given the complexity and detailed nature of the tutorial, a concise version of step-by-step instructions includes:
    Start by preparing your thread and attaching the cup button clasp with 11/0 seed beads.
    Progress by adding RounDuo mini beads, IrisDuo beads, and Amos Par Puca beads to form the floral designs, using a two-needle method for symmetry and alignment.
    Continue building the bracelet by adding beads in a pattern that creates posy-like flowers, alternating between different types of beads for variety.
    Finish by securing the end with a loop for the clasp, reinforcing the thread paths for durability, and adding any desired embellishments or variations to personalize your bracelet.

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