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Kiss of the Crown Tutorial



  • Kiss of the Crown Bracelet- DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
In this video tutorial from PotomacBeads, Allie teaches you how to make her "Kiss of the Crown" bracelet design using IrisDuo & BowTrio beads. Find a complete list of supplies in the description below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The designer's suggested colors & materials: for ~7.5-inch (19 cm) wrist:
IrisDuo® Beads - Aztec Gold
BowTrio Beads - Antique Silver
Potomac Crystal Rondelle 2x3mm - Hal Silver
Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Crystal Labrador Full
Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Duracoat Galvanized Gold
Claspgarten Clasp - Grooved marquise crystal 3-loop silver ( Rhodium Plated)

Quick Project Steps

Gold and silver topped off with crystals, you’ll feel like royalty wearing the Kiss of the Crown Bracelet. Learn how to create this beauty with 2 needles in this PotomacBeads tutorial.
1. Put 2 needles onto about 5 feet of .006 Wildfire beading thread. Bring a needle through the middle loop of a Claspgarten 3-strand clasp. Bring both needles through four 11/0s in the same direction. Make sure both sides of the thread are of equal length.
2. Watch the Kiss of the Crown Bracelet tutorial to follow along with Allie as she shares step-by-step directions to create the pattern used in her beaded bracelet design.
3. Add seed beads to the outside ends of the bracelet and connect them to the top center 11/0. Add demi rounds to connect the outer two loops of the clasp. Sew back down through the project. Reinforce the clasp at the other end. Bring the threads together in the back of the project and knot. Burn the loose edges.
The Kiss of the Crown Bracelet is a stunning accessory that is sure to captivate the imagination. The golds and silvers keep it regal but you could easily modify the design to show off your favorite colors.

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